How to Host the Perfect July 4th Cookout

Independence Day is right around the corner, and with it its usual bombastic festivities. The parades, the crack of fireworks against the night sky, you name it. It would only make sense, the noise that is, for a holiday celebrating the freedom of America. It also makes sense that one of the Fourth’s many traditions is a slice of the American Dream, a backyard cookout. Think of it, the smells more than anything. That smokey smell of fresh meat on the grill. Or, the conversation; family crowding around each other once again to catch up on the ongoings of life.

Whether you’ve had your deck and patio for a while now, have just received one as it still glistens with freshness, or you’re only in the “thinking” stage for now, you may have considered hosting one of these types of shindigs. Let me say, there aren't many things as satisfying as being a successful host. When everyone leaves content and full of compliments, you can feel both competent and validated. 

It is a process to do this sort of thing properly, with a lot of things to consider. Who are you going to invite? What kind of food are you going to prepare? If you are going to grill, what sort of grill are you going to invest in if you do not have one? Buying one is definitely more complicated than you may think. 

With the Fourth coming up very quickly, it may seem a bit overwhelming. However, most will be able to do it no problem with a little bit of time and effort. Here, let me show you…

Picking the right Grill…

As stated above, picking the right grill for your environment and what you’re wanting to cook is key. Each type of grill out there is better at certain foods, better with certain types of crowds (small or large), can be portable or stationary, and can better suit either beginners or a more experienced cook. For example, gas grills are much more common among households according to Jeff Flowers on Build Ferguson. This is more than likely because they are much more user friendly. Smoker grills however are much more slow in the cooking process, and can take several hours to cook the desired meat. However, because of this, smoked meat comes out incredibly tasty, making the wait worth it. 

There are many types of grills to choose from. Gas and smokers, as mentioned, or charcoal grills, pellet grills, portable grills, etcetera. 

The Home Depot lists many of these grills and describes them very well, so you can make an informed decision on your purchase.

Deciding what to Cook…

So if you’ve decided what to cook off of, well… what are you gonna cook?

There are the classics of course. Hamburgers. Hotdogs. Barbeque. Or the more fancy, such as steak, shrimp or fish. And there are many different ways to cook these national favorites too. However, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple if you are just getting started with the tongs and spatula in hand. Whatever you decide, here are some Pinterest recipes to help you get inspired…

Figuring out a Setup…

In the end, the setup of your backyard dining hall is the second most important thing to think about, just behind making sure the food tastes good. Sure, people will stand around in cramped corners if their hot dogs hit the spot, but why allow such a thing? Getting the perfect deck arrangement, or nailing the table and chair arrangement on your patio is key to making the event feel homely and warm. If you are considering a deck or a patio from scratch, which are so important when considering such summer events, maybe you need a little inspiration. L.P. Homes has put together so many decks and laid so many patios, we couldn’t tell you a number while remaining humble. 

Here are some examples for you to look at…

Getting your backyard just right for the proper Fourth of July shindig or for any other summer day is important. It is also important to us to help you get there. Let us pave the way to your future family outings, where you can fill their bellies with good food and put smiles on their faces. 

No matter the season, L.P. Homes can help you with the project you have in mind.


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